International Shipping: Find the International Shipper That's Right for You
International moves are very different than domestic moves. So even if you’ve moved a lot, you’re in for a totally new experience when it comes to shipping your household goods overseas (or back to the U.S.). Advance planning is crucial; check out our International Shipping Guide to start getting smart about the process.
Our SmartQuote systemwill match you with international shippers that are specifically tailored to your needs and want to compete for your move.
All About Mortgages
A mortgage is loan document in which you pledge the title to your home as the collateral. Simply put, if somebody loans you money this person will most likely ask that you put something up as collateral of equal or greater value. In the case of a home loan or mortgage, the title is what is held as collateral. Basically the lender holds the title or in some states holds a lien to the title until the entire loan is paid off. The lender gives you the loan and in exchange you agree to pay monthly PITI (Principal, Interest, Taxes and...
How Much Will My Move Cost?
Working with moving companies can be costly. The best way to budget your costs and assess your moving needs is to plan your move. Using the Smart Move Moving Calculator, you can figure out your estimated moving costs by entering information the quantity of your belongings. You can also estimate how much moving yourself will cost. Get started now and estimate all of your moving costs on Planning has never been easier!