Contractors: The Smartest Way to Find Qualified Contractors
Big home improvement projects nearly always require contractors (and sometimes even architects). The home improvement articles on will help make you smarter about how to evaluate architects, contractors, landscapers and the myriad service companies, such as plumbers and electricians, that homeowners rely on.
Our SmartQuote system will match you with professional resources that are tailored to your needs – that are right for your job -- and, more importantly, want to compete for your project.
All About Mortgages
A mortgage is loan document in which you pledge the title to your home as the collateral. Simply put, if somebody loans you money this person will most likely ask that you put something up as collateral of equal or greater value. In the case of a home loan or mortgage, the title is what is held as collateral. Basically the lender holds the title or in some states holds a lien to the title until the entire loan is paid off. The lender gives you the loan and in exchange you agree to pay monthly PITI (Principal, Interest, Taxes and...
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