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Ask the Expert: When Will I Get My Stuff?

Editor's note: Karen Tooley is a certified moving consultant with over three decades' experience in the moving industry.

Question: When will I get my stuff?

AnswerMoving is a very stressful event, so it's a common question about when you can expect the delivery of your goods. 

Several issues need to be considered. Depending on the size of your shipment, and the distance to delivery, your mover may be required to pick-up and delivery other shipments in route to your destination. In addition, Federal Department of Transportation guidelines limit the number of hours per day that a driver of your moving van can be on duty. 

Most moving companies will give you a spread of delivery dates to expect your shipment, and will normally try to accommodate the date you prefer.  However, to allow for unexpected problems such as weather, mechanical, and other issues, the moving company will ask for a window of dates.  The window of dates will be based on the distance, and the number of days needed for travel.  Be aware that the moving van cannot  travel in the same amount of time it may take you to arrive at your destination, due to restrictions on driving hours and speed limits in most states. 

You should be able to have a good idea of delivery with pre-planning with your mover.  However, you should always have a back-up plan, in the event that the mover is delayed in arriving. 

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A Moving Company's Moving Story
June, 2012

Relocation.com's survey was recently featured on the front page of USA Today. The headline entitled "Moving in Hard Times" highlighted our results that moving and relocating behaviors were only moderately influenced by the economy.


Our lifestyle survey found that Americans are seeking smaller homes and a suburban lifestyle. These riveting results were recently featured on USAToday.com in an article entitled "American dream shrinks as smaller homes gain favor."

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