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Moving Day: Readers' Tips on Making It Easier

Moving isn't easy, and moving day is the most stressful aspect of your move.

But it needn't be that way, if you follow the advice of people who have been there: people who recently moved. 

We at Relocation.com surveyed readers who recently moved and asked them what they found most frustrating about their moving day and asked them what tips they could offer others going through the moving day process.

Here's a selection:

"Tried to get enough sleep the night before and made sure to call the moving company days ahead with any new questions that I had so I knew what to expect."

"Be prepared and ready.  Have a list of the number of moving boxes/containers/items for yourself to cross-check.  Label boxes for the appropriate room with a general description of contents."

"Took all the disasters in-stride......"

"Family help in cleaning the empty house, readying it for the new tenant."

"Had everything ready when the movers arrived."

"We put our dog in the kennel for a few days before and two days after our move.  It kept him out of the way and it was one less thing to deal with -- walking him, feeding him, making sure no one stepped on him or tripped over him.  Well worth the money."

"Staying organized is the most important thing. Otherwise I would keep losing my keys, wallet, paperwork, all those essential things. I made sure that I didn't leave anything to do that day except wait for the movers."

"Hired a moving company to do all the hard work and it paid off!"

"Started packing several weeks before moving day and labeled everything in big letters.  We purchased a large number of plastic tubs with tops that were easy to stack and are reusable for storage.  It will keep things nicer than cardboard boxes."

"I left and let my fiance handle everything" (Relocation.com Note: Not always recommended…)

"Stress is a part of it but it lessens when the van pulls up and they start packing."

"To de-stress the day, we ate a good meal before the movers got there and made sure everything was completely packed/organized before they got there.

"Know what the movers are doing at all time, and take responsibility for their action, and be proactive with a solution."

"Make sure you understand and verify all the moving paperwork they throw at you. We found a couple errors."

"Nothing special, the movers were pretty good. Just make sure all the keys, paperwork for both the old apt and new apt are taken care of beforehand."

Other survey questions you might be interested in:

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In the Press

A Moving Company's Moving Story
June, 2012

Relocation.com's survey was recently featured on the front page of USA Today. The headline entitled "Moving in Hard Times" highlighted our results that moving and relocating behaviors were only moderately influenced by the economy.


Our lifestyle survey found that Americans are seeking smaller homes and a suburban lifestyle. These riveting results were recently featured on USAToday.com in an article entitled "American dream shrinks as smaller homes gain favor."

"This user-friendly site includes a blog and a subscription-only newsletter, too"

The Washington Post

"Relocation.com provides you with all the tools you need to get quotes quickly from movers in your area."


The Business Week
