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A Super Easy Do-It-Yourself Wall Art Project

After the parental units have said their goodbyes and all of the unpacking is done you will be left with a whole lot of stuff to organize and some bare walls that are screaming “cover me” or “make me look good.” Ok, maybe the walls could care less if they are decorated or not, but adding some life to your room via wall art is a great way to be creative as well as showcase a bit of your personality (not to mention distinguish your room from the slew of monochromatic rooms that dorms are infamous for). You can easily go to the college bookstore and purchase a poster of a unicorn dancing around a rainbow or a pin-up of your celebrity crush standing behind a waterfall acting "natural." Or, you can go the do-it-yourself route and make your wall art. We are obviously going for choice number two and although this requires a little work on your part making your own wall art is a great way to bond with your roommate as you cut and paste together and put old magazines and newspapers to use that would otherwise be tossed. Here is a simple (and oh-so-easy) plan to liven up your apartment or dorm room.

Do-It-Yourself Wall Art

-Magazines, newspapers, cardboard – any type of paper item you have
-Oak tag poster board or smaller sheet of paper for the base of your art project
-Glue stick
-Mod Podge – matte or shiny
-Medium-size paint brush
-Masking tape or sticky tack
-Extras: String, glitter, stickers, paint, etc

1. Look through old magazines, newspapers, greeting cards, etc and cut out images that appeal to you. This can be a theme of pictures or a free flowing collection of images.
2. Glue the images on your base such as an oak tag poster board. The best thing about making your own wall art is that there are no rules. You can also follow a theme where you place images in a pattern or add paint and extras such as string or stickers to create a layering effect and dimension to your picture.
3. Let the glue dry. Using your paint brush, apply a thick layer of the amazing and versatile Mod Podge on your new creation (it will appear white). This miracle product acts as a glue, sealer and finish that will coat and preserve your picture. It is also available in matte or shiny as well as in several colors.
4. Let dry for one hour and place your masterpiece on the wall with tape or sticky tack. Most colleges or apartments don’t allow nails to be placed in the wall, so check with your school or landlord before anything goes on your wall.



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