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Researching Job Leads

One of the most important activities in your job search must be research. Whether this is researching a specific company you have an interview lined up for or are trying to drum up job leads it is absolutely necessary to conduct good research.

Research is in itself and art form in may senses. It requires the researcher to locate sources of good information. There are so many places to look it can be a daunting task to even begin. This section highlights some of the better sources for digging up information to either help drum up job leads or do some specific company research. Before we begin on this take note of the following advice on research.

Research can be time consuming so to be effective the more organized you are the better.

Build research in to your job search. Schedule time each day to conduct to conduct the research and make the time count. Make this part of your routine.

Don't allow yourself to wander off course while conducting research. It is very easy to begin reading other more exciting news articles while conducting research so try to sty on track.

Take notes and set up a filing system you easily understand so you can locate information quickly when needed.

Research Sources
  • Local Library

Your local library has a wealth of useful information.

Most libraries have computers you can use to access the Internet and they also have newspapers and publications with classifieds sections for job openings.

Libraries also have information on companies including job openings, emerging trends and top executives.
  • Internet

The Internet is probably the best source for all different types of information. This includes job listings and all different types of information on companies and industries.

Be as specific as possible when conducting key work searches, as you don't want to turn up a whole slew of useless results.

Most search engines will have their own jobs page and you could also search using keywords. A little practice will help you become more proficient at searching the web. The most common research engines are:



There are also sites that are specifically designed for the job seeker.

These include ..









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In the Press

A Moving Company's Moving Story
June, 2012

Relocation.com's survey was recently featured on the front page of USA Today. The headline entitled "Moving in Hard Times" highlighted our results that moving and relocating behaviors were only moderately influenced by the economy.


Our lifestyle survey found that Americans are seeking smaller homes and a suburban lifestyle. These riveting results were recently featured on USAToday.com in an article entitled "American dream shrinks as smaller homes gain favor."

"This user-friendly site includes a blog and a subscription-only newsletter, too"

The Washington Post

"Relocation.com provides you with all the tools you need to get quotes quickly from movers in your area."


The Business Week
